


The three years of kindergarten (ages 3 to 5) of the EFB (French International school of Battambang) are accredited by the AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad).  

The French kindergarten is the first step in ensuring the success of all students in a school that is fair for all and demanding for everyone. It establishes the educational and pedagogical foundations for the students’ learning in subsequent years.

Kindergarten is a caring school, even more so than the later stages of schooling. Its main mission is to make children eager to learn, but also to assert and develop their personality. It is based on a fundamental principle: all children are able to learn and grow. By showing confidence in each child, kindergarten encourage them to have confidence in doing and thinking, in their ability to learn and succeed in school and beyond.

It is a school that adapts to young children.

It is a school that organizes specific learning modalities by playing, reflecting and solving problems, practicing, remembering and memorizing.

It is a school where children will learn together and live together, understanding the function of the school, building themselves as a unique person within a group.

The kindergarten program is organized as one cycle of three years from 3 to 6 years old, so that at the end of 3rd year, students have the basic skills and knowledge necessary for their entry into 1st grade of the primary school.

There are five learning areas:

  • Use langage in all its dimensions
  • Act, express and learn through physical activities
  • Act, express and learn through artistic activities
  • Build the first foundations of mathematics
  • Explore the world (history, geography, science)


Students are present in class from Monday to Thursday from 8h00 to 11h30 and from
13h15 to 15h00 and Friday morning from 8h00 to 12h00.