School fees: Academic Year 2022-2023

REGISTRATION FEE*: USD 300 per child
* Registration fees should be paid as early as possible to ensure space is reserved
for your child.
Kindergarten and primary school
1 child registered by a family – USD 2,750
(T1 USD 1,070 – T2 920 – T3 760)
2 or more children registered by a family – USD 2,550
(T1 USD 1,000 – T2 850 – T3 700)
USD 3,000 (T1 USD 1,200 – T2 USD 1,000 – T3 USD 800)
Tuition fee for each school year are payable to the EFB upon receipt of the invoice, in 1
installment at the start of the school year or in 3 installments, at the start of each
trimester (mid-September, mid-January, mid- April).
2 uniforms per student per year, school supplies, class photo, USD 60
The annual small expenses flat rate is payable to the EFB upon receipt of the invoice at the start of the
school year.
Accident and civil liability insurance is payable to the EFB upon receipt of the invoice at the start of the
school year.
Students who already have insurance are not obliged to subscribe to it.
CNED *** (distance education material provided by the French Ministry of Education)
Full day schooling USD 850 – 1000 (depending on the class level)
1⁄2 day schooling USD 650 – 750 (depending on the class level)
*** These fees are collected by EFB and paid directly to CNED. They must be paid to
EFB before 20 June preceding the school ear. EFB pays CNED directly, benefitting from
a special group price. The invoice of each child is adjusted after the effective payment
of the CNED invoice.

Extra-curricular courses (languages, IT…): Costs are shared between all
registered children for the activity/course
 English: between USD 50-120 per term
 Extracurricular: between USD 30-70 per term

 Khmer: between USD 100-200 per term (price drop if more
students are registered).
Lunch break: meal and quiet time:
 Lunch***: USD 2 per meal (a vegetarian dish and a non-vegetarian dish are available).
 Supervision + meal brought by the child to school: USD 20-35 per term.
*** The school gives students the choice of signing up for the canteen or bringing their meal

1. If a family intends to remove their child from the EFB during the school year,
please inform and consult with the EFB principal as early as possible for rules
regarding any partial refund.
2. There is a late payment penalty of USD 20 per month.
3. Monthly payments, if exceptionally approved by the EFB Board, incur an extra
charge of USD 20 per month.
4. Most excursions are included in tuition fees. If additional fees are required, parents
have the choice to register their child or not for the planned excursion
5. Any accidental or non-accidental damage by a child to the EFB
infrastructure and / or equipment will be charged to the parents of the child
who caused the damage.
6. All payments made to the EFB or to the CNED are final and non- reimbursable.
CNED administrative regulations apply for the CNED programme of work.
7. Other non-anticipated disbursements and/or modification to this
administrative circular will be decided by the Board of Directors.