Board of Directors

The French School of Battambang is a French association (Loi 1901), authorized to
operate in Cambodia by a ministerial declaration (Prakas) from the Cambodian
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The prakas was renewed in 2020. The EFB is
managed by a Board of Directors made up of voluntary members of the Association
who represent the association of parents.
The Board is responsible for:

  • Developing a strategy and vision for the EFB
  • Ensure compliance with the EFB’s mission
  • Oversight of the school’s activities
  • Recruitment and supervision of the Head of School
  • Responsibly manage the financial operations of the EFB, including its fixed

assets, operating budgets and fundraising activities.


Current Board of Directors:

  • laurent Blu (president)
  • Mathieu DAMPERON (vice president)
  • Godelieve Teller (member and treasurer a.i)